7 – 21 Sep: Balance brings Grace

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collage by Adima

Welcome dear friend. Feel embraced. Embraced by this moment, by the air around you, by the sounds and feelings within. Relax and devote this moment to being here. Just that. Breathing … becoming still in the midst of all your ToDos and Wannabes, just for this little time … nothing to do.
While breathing gently, begin to be aware of your arms. Move them just a little bit as if swimming in a soft gel, kind of in slow motion … expanding awareness into small movement. This gives a sense of being here. If that feels good you’ve just given your entire being a taste of dancing with the divine. You may wonder “…dancing? I’ve been sitting in my chair”. Well, yes, that’s part of dancing. Dance is celebrating your existence in so many ways.

We usually think of “our lives” as something that we manage or even need to plan and have some kind of control over. The divinity of life that we ARE wants us to discover its immaculate choreography, naturally flowing with the whole within all there is. In order to get in touch with that, awareness of the instrument of our arms can be of immense support.
We use our arms to express love and we also use them to destroy. Within this vast range of possible action we try to find a balance, make the right decisions, figure out the best goals to work towards and slowly lose orientation and inner balance in an overload of activity every day.
With our arms we reach out to what is not here yet. Our arms are always between us and what is not yet here. That goes for wanted and unwanted objects. That is for embracing and for defending oneself or even for attacking, which is just another version of being afraid of what is coming towards me.

Tensions in our arms indicate a fear of, or simply too much of concern with, future and things that aren’t here. And that’s our cue! The balance we seek is not in some imaginary goal outside this moment. It is exactly in this moment. It can be found inside when our awareness turns fully to what’s here. Only in this state of awareness in the now can our action express our loving; our love becomes compassion, without that being a conceptual effort. Once we retreat from orienting ourselves in future control of our life, the grace that makes every small gesture meaningful pours through us and blesses our arms.
Just looking at it physically, you can see that the arms are an extension of our hearts. We express our love with them. In order for the heart to express in our actions, we need to provide an atmosphere within ourselves that invites it. That atmosphere is generally called femininity. It thrives when we switch from active to receptive, when we listen into the sound of life and allow the body-mind to pick up the tune of the moment and dance with it. Grace can not be trained or learned. It occurs when we are available to the flow in the moment. We all have a sense within that knows that.

Ultimately the feminine has not really fully developed in this world, but it is on its way! For a long time, women have been imitating men and proved that they can do it, too (whatever “it” represents). Sure. But that’s not achieving an unfolding into the true feminine. Admittedly, I am also not able to give a definition. That is not in its nature. I can describe a state or feelings which seem to indicate it like quiet, alert, slowing down and yet absolutely available for action in any moment as needed.
Only by fully embracing the male and female polarities within ourselves and expressing both equally, free of judgement, can we enter the dance of life that will overcome suffering. Osho once told me (in the explanation about my name) “… When you are no more separate there will be no death…”. It is through our actions, through our arms, that we demonstrate and manifest separation. It is also through our arms that we embrace physically, mentally and emotionally, literally “all there is.” Let’s celebrate in that universal divine embrace. Big hugs going around the world.

WHAT TO WATCH in this cycle

7 Sep (repeats 25 Aug, former cycle e un)
Here we are. This is it. Can be it. Today can reveal what is true – and what isn’t! Strong universal background energy for this. All it needs from us is the tiny little willingness to give up our story. Yes. Totally, 100%. Lie down and imagine three swords hovering above you, one over each centre of the Head, the Heart and the Hara (Belly). Open to the possibility that these swords may drop into your body – or not. It does need a strong invitation, a strong force to get us human animals to really truly commit to the discovery of truth. Commitment is what this is about. Commitment and surrender. Both not such popular terms because the Ego classifies them as slavery or weakness or giving in …
For centuries we’ve all been watching the motivation growing: the imprint of pain and suffering has been enough. That is what we do, right, that is how we’re ticking: we need that bit of pain, of suffering to even get interested in the truth and how to surrender to it. And yet – all the wars and catastrophes so far have not set us free as collective human kind to live the kindness. Why is that? What keeps us from hopping over the brink, taking that last step, losing all the burdens… whatever you want to call it. It is the fear mechanism of the ego self to give up its story, it wants to go on existing, since facing the unknowable and becoming it looks either too scary or too boring or whatever else we like to project onto the unknown.
Right now we are IN our next chance as collective humankind – and more and more promising waves are rising. Let’s jump into an ocean of conscious connection, loving awareness and true relating. Sounds good, eh? The price: You, dead or alive.
Good Luck!
Patrul Rinpoche as quoted by Sogyal Rinpoche : “First die and be really gone. Then do what you want.”

8 Sep (f dc)
Today’s enhanced energy is about integrity. That is someone to whom the truth means more than anything else. In some cases, so much so that they are principally willing to use a bit of force in order to bring truth forward.
Integrity expresses with honesty, truthfulness and accuracy in action. As a concept or attitude it drives the inner energy in this cycle. You may find that with a sense of laughter about the irony of life, this big task flows more easily. Activating integrity within helps to dissolve conflict, among others or within yourself. A good way to activate that is sitting quietly, spine straight up, feet on the ground. Tuning into your arms. Rest your hands quietly for a while. Allow the “nothing to do” atmosphere to pull awareness to whatever tension might still be there and allow that to relax as much as possible. When you feel a tingling or buzzing inside your arms, that indicates the cells are happily listening and absorbing light of the moment energy, while you give the system the opportunity to do exactly that. That light of the moment brings forth the truth of this moment.

10 Sep (f un)
Blessings and showers of grace waiting for you today. The shock point energy is sourced in unconditional love. That’s a quality of (divine) motherhood and also of the real Queen who truly cares for her people. This quality is alive, maybe dormant, but alive in all of us. Today the universal background frequencies support activating and experiencing it. Love at the source wants nothing else than to nourish life as it is. Nourish you exactly as you are. There is a secret to happiness, a secret to fulfilment, but it is not even a mystery in the sense of being invisible. It is so simple and so close to you, it is so inbuilt in all of us that we normally easily overlook it. The magic mystery is in loving life in every form without separation, which means without judgment. That enhances seeing the glory of flowering of every form in its graceful unique beauty. It starts with you. It ends in All-Oneness. In this we overcome the idea of death as the last separation. Let’s begin by embracing all, embracing each other in our so-being.
And once again I can’t repress the truth and so point out how much this wonderful work of Tibetan Pulsing supports ALL OF THE ABOVE.

11 Sep (q em)
Overcoming that which separates, that which makes us unhappy, asks one small price: Giving up our illusions. Today is a good day to flood light on total illusions. Those are the ones where we don’t want to hear anyone’s voice or advice, even though a little deeper down we feel that somehow our perspective might be a bit too self indulgent, a bit too fabricated. But hey! it is what you can prove to yourself from past history and what you have seen others manifest. If they can, you can, right? …. Well … it is the BIG DREAM of love and happiness made on your terms. Sometimes, some of our terms coincide with God’s, but not all our terms all of the time. You may want to check where you’re looking. Outside or in? On the outside you may have made it. The perfect family, job and material wealth or the perfect drop out, single, success weaver, spiritual insider and group leader … whichever version of your dream it might be, when it is high maintenance to uphold it, when you’re afraid to lose all sorts of aspects or still try and hope to gain … you’d better take an extra deep breath …. and another one … and a third one …. Pffffffffft. Let the air out of the ballon with the dream pictures painted on and face the truth of what it really really feels like. In any case it is much closer to the heart. And in that also to the truth. Embrace yourself. Give yourself a good big hug. You’ve done it all and now it’s time to indulge in free flow … spreading your wings.

13 Sep (j mi)
The enhanced energy in a certain resonance field of conscious perception can always be used for revelation leading to liberation, even if we don’t like it at first. It’s absolutely worthwhile! So let’s have a look. Many of us have developed enough awareness to see our programmed conditioning inside, relate that to our actions and understand concepts of higher spiritual consciousness. In my experience many people are in touch with it all and … still not happy, not content, or kind of bored. Know that one? Had enough of satsanghas and other clever instructions? But …. but … still not easy flowing in bliss with whatever is and not liking that either? Tja … what now.
Actually it’s simple. There’s some stuff hung up in the mind. It is just the mind, no real problem. The mind and its orientation in time, which is ONLY possible to either past (boring old stuff that went wrong) or future (hopeful unknown stuff that never comes). Being here in what is, is not possible for the mind. It can not comprehend ‘presence’. Well, YOU CAN! You can be here, in fact you are. Fully. When you see it all and are aware of the situation, simply invite that part inside that sits up on a high platform, overlooking everything, invite that part to go on an extended holiday. Begin to acknowledge your qualities. In the name of ‘watchfulness’ obstacles can be created, when we keep looking out for something still to come, or expecting too much from ourselves. A chronic “never enough” takes the joy out of everything we are aware of. Wanting what is not is the main cause of all suffering. You can prefer ‘more’, but you need to live fully with what’s available. When you don’t judge that as ‘not enough’ it will be no problem. It is what it is. You are who and how you are.

21 Sep (repeats 8 Sep f dc and 10 Sep f un)

The organ related to the cycle is the arms.

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