Mood of the Moment – Frequency: Colon – by Adima Hawkes
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During the next 15 days the universal background frequencies support us with power of alignment or discovering what we need to learn about it. The learning is based in listening to the inner sounds of our body. There’s a whole orchestra playing, the orchestra of our organs. Organs and other parts of the body, all expresses as frequency and often takes on an inner voice we can actually hear with a bit of attentiveness. In listening to it we develop what is called “self-healing”. This is an ability to sense and feel the harmony of what is really needed in the moment in order to maintain conscious participation in the whole that is going on. We’re a part of it while also being that wholeness.
Alignment with one’s life energy strengthens immunity on all levels of body, heart and mind. It is achieved through feminine, receptive qualities of intuition leading to inner knowing. It is a receptive comprehension, rather than a doing, a push or an initiative. On the inside it enables us to listen to the needs in the moment. On the outside it supports projects and brings people together to work as teams.
Alignment is the art and the performance of an orchestra and its conductor.
You become both: the conductor and the orchestra by developing both qualitities, receptive listening-feeling and taking action with determination and clarity. It produces an experience of being relaxed and empowered, exactly where you are in this world, in this moment, independent of how the quality of present circumstances are interpreted. Tuning in with the world and the divine powers is easier than you may imagine.
By pairing conscious listening and loving awareness an attunement with natural harmony developed. This activates an immunity against all sorts of “infection”: in the body, the emotion or the mind. This is not a magical formula against illness or viruses, but a legitimate and necessary shift from fear into clear consciousness, which enables response-ability, truly responding to the moment. Fear is causing us to act through programmed strategies to manage (control) our lives. Receiving the tune of the universal song and thus living your dance in step with yourself and everyone else sets you free to be who you within how you are.
A protective and well functioning immunity against infection comes through purification. That’s not only green smoothies or whatever other diet and health support we may fancy. It is also the willingness to abstain from poisonous thoughts and negative emotion. Pah! there you have it! It sounds so easy to understand, but isn’t always as easy to accept – as we find when taking an honest look. How interesting is it to indulge with negative stories about others or yourself? … Just fb, insta & co illustrate the mind’s need for it. not there there is never anything useful or great on the internet. There is – like this blog 🙂
For abstaining from negative thought and emotion we need each other’s help. This is coming a long way. Honestly sharing with one another what’s going on in this moment is a good tool. A willingness to let down our defences with our friends another ingredient. Taking the risk of telling the truth, while maintaining a relaxed restraint inside. All these glorious ideas point towards openness without judgment.
The good news is: you can shift into the experiment anytime, anywhere. See how much more energy, strength and ability to cope with difficulties you’ve got when focusing on the moment, rather than indulging in the drama of the pre-programmed inner movie. The difference is tremendous!
On the physical plane in your body, there’s a deeper knowing of how all this works. It is inbuilt. It sources from your large intestine. It simply knows how alignment works. The colon is a conductor for many other organs. It has the sense of rhythm that is needed for peristalsis. Listen into the belly and relax. By aligning within yourself, the strength of immunity rises and produces an ability for decision making, honest communication and overcoming psychological fears. There’s a kind of heart beat coming from Mother Earth. It pulses. It creates a rhythm and sound within nature and all living creatures that your cells are already aligned with. By paying attention to it, you fall into place where you belong and feel held and happy.
Now, all that sounds a lot like what we all need in these times. Let’s align! In a fresh approach of NOW, dropping old stories about one another, having the guts to really share the truth before, during and after words. Our hearts know how. Tibetan Pulsing is the technique, which ignites the possibility for all the above to become a conscious experience.
Here’s the “WHAT TO WATCH” in this cycle
21 Jan (O un, overlap shock point from last cycle)
Taking an intimate look at our relationship patterns. A quality called diplomacy is often our shield, behind which we hide our vulnerability and try to control what’s going on. Behind that, self neglect is hiding. We lose the sense of caring first for ourselves, which is needed in order to be able to properly take care of others.
Whenever you find yourself negotiating feelings and strategies about how you should “be treated by an other” – that’s your dharma bell to come to a halt and take a look within: what is it really that needs loving attention? It won’t matter if the negotiations are in an actual conversation or just in your head, which is where they may more often take place. Check it out.
When you identify that’s what is going on, simply be aware that love does not ask anything. Love loves. The moment you bend yourself that’s not love, that’s trying to get something or protect yourself from losing something that was never yours in the first place. By relaxing deeply into the energy of today, an oceanic expansion of pure loving affection can unfold from within. Love for no reason – spreading from the origin of yourself out to others.
23 Jan (a em – also on 5 Feb overlap next cycle)
Today’s shock point energy can be challenging if you have issues with anger. In order to achieve clearance, we need to look into old habits, which do not support alignment with ourselves or with others. On this day, the focus of the shock point energy is on justifying anger and the expression of it, because we believe ferociously to know better (than anyone else).
At the same time we keep accusing others of being responsible for whatever goes wrong or not according to our liking. In this constellation, it’s mainly projected by the feminine side of our consciousness against the masculine. The two poles – masculine, feminine – happen in our nervous system, independent of gender. It is not biological, it is a psychological pattern of the human nature. In taking a closer look you will find that there is only something like “justified anger, which I have a right to express” as long as we hold on to the story around the anger.
The job is to feel what is going on inside. To contact it as an energy within. Anger usually resides in the belly and is in itself a fire element energy. nothing wrong with a lot of fire. When mind attaches a story and holds on to that, the fire either burns too hot or burns off your own field of expanding into life and relations. Consciously feeling the energy can open up the isolation, which has separated you from others by insisting on your righteousness. Suddenly the heat of angry expression transforms into a warm and gentle flow of strength, loving awareness and sharing.
27 Jan (t mi)
The energy of today supports becoming aware of how we lose the sense of our real needs and make love into a bargain. We do not intend to – but still, it happens. The driving force behind it is fear of losing what feels wonderful and desireable. Out of fear of exposure to the natural flow of living and loving we create contracts with our loved ones, partners and friends, and become enemies with those who don’t see how great WE are as an exclusive couple or pair of buddies. When you find yourself arguing or negotiating heart affairs, that’s the STOP signal.
It sounds something like this: ‘ I don’t do this not to hurt you and you promise not to do this in order not to hurt me’. That’s fear driven deal, which leaves no space for lov. That’s the Stop Signal. Take a breath, have a look at what is really here. The love feelings that connect you. Have you ‘made them’, can you control them or even predict them for tomorrow? Love comes to us, is a gift, a blessing. The thing is to love now, not preserve it for the future. Sharing an opinion on how to serve our fears or making the other responsible for our needs stops us from the love and nearness we receive when we’re open to the natural flow.
30 Jan (p dc)
Today it is about capacity. Will I be able to …? When there’s doubt or fear of failure, fear of making any mistake, an energy collapse will follow that spirals our energy down until we feel out of step with everything and separate from all. This kind of fear has to do with survival. It dilutes and dissolves with purification, especially cleanse of thought and feeling.
This shift is invited by what’s called meditation in action. It’s one of my favourite practices. 🙂
It means being aware in the midst of action while you do your thing, whatever that may be. It’s about staying aware and available rather than becoming a robotic little peg in the wheel, following pre-fabricated plans or todo-lists in order to stay in control. Sure you can make your plans. Then find out what God thinks about them. A bit of humour is highly recommended and this attitude will get you out of taking yourself seriously.
31 Jan (p un)
One of these days when it might simply all go right, you sing your song of life and the whole world dances along with it. Maybe you are a great performer and know how to align people when you’re in the role of boss or as a team player: “Pi-pa-pu-wanna-be-me-and-you-as-happy-as-now – – Wow! But, what if … no-one listens to your great plans or everything steps out of sync with you, even your email program ? Well, then – it’s time to re-align within, finding the place of refuge inside, where you and existence resound as one, resourcing over a cup of tea or just being still for a little while… as you fall into harmony with yourself, the world falls into place. The secret is not to try and do it. The transformation does not need your initiative as a doing. Alignment happens when you are available. The universal orchestra inside (remember, your organs and other parts) nudges you in the right moment, in the most sensitive spot, and invites you to rise again and perform your best song with ease. Relax when it all isn’t happening and see what happens when you let it be.
3-5 Feb
the Blessing Days may bring great wholeness experiences or deeper insight into what our personal issues are with (not yet) having that. For sure with holding hands it gets easier!
The organ resonating with the cycle is the colon.
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