20 Feb – 6 March: Resistance – Freedom

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To say something about freedom isn’t all that easy. Real freedom is also free of itself, in the end.
Before reaching to that end, it appears to be quite a lot of things, within the personal experience.
There is freedom “from” (my parents, my job, my schedule) or freedom “for” (being wild, going crazy doing what I want).
Both “from and “for” are bound to circumstance or conditions, which our mind has created. So what is freedom, really?!
The thirst for it, the quest and search for it, is so attractive that we continue moving on towards it, without knowing where it is, in its unknown direction. On this journey we overcome the obstacles, the definitions, the frictions, the resistance that makes freedom tangible as the opposite of something dependent.

Have you ever thought about what resistance actually is or does in our nervous system? This Cycle of 16 days offers the opportunity to become aware of the relations between resistance and freedom.
The view into the nervous system, through the lens of Tibetan Pulsing, shows that it is a certain ability to resist and thus create a bit of friction, which enables us every morning to remember “the story of me”.
It is actually a specific friction in the brain that is needed in order to remember who we were yesterday, leading to remembering our name and our to do list for today.
Maybe you’ve noticed that moment before you remember yourself, the moment while waking up … when your senses have already awoken … hearing birds’ song is happening … seeing sunlight dancing through the little gap between the curtains … feeling a body somehow … but ‘you’ – as the ‘seer or hearer’ are not quite there yet! Nothing’s really got a name or a label, yet… consciousness perception is happily floating with the operation of the senses. Then, suddenly something in your head says “I’ve gotta be somewhere and do a thing”… THAT IS when a certain frequency builds up resistance within the happy floating-one-with-all energy. This creates enough friction in the brain for the “you in you” to remember itself and set off into your life story.

Nothing wrong, perfect little mechanism. First it sorts out “who you are today and what to do”, then it scans everything coming your way for its usefulness, in either serving your personal exploration of life or rather in resisting what comes your way. The frequency sensitises and seduces you into believing that you can choose between personal, independent freedom and resistance to what makes you dependent or keeps you from the means of fulfilling your wishes.
This same frequency will go a long way to achieve satisfaction. This may involve addictive usage of inspiring but unhealthy substances, or seducing people into delivering what it wants to you. It looks for friends, by making sure to meet people with the same opinions. Ultimately, it tries to resist death by creating an idea inside us that the mechanism called “I” is existentially needed to run life.
The difference between just using the I-mechanism and what makes it ego is attachment to the belief in separateness. Ego can only act in separateness. I, as a psychosomatic structure, is a useful control and steering mechanism in the soma of the brain and the software needed for daily life.
The way out of the dilemma is the way IN. Into the very middle of the moment. Here-now, with no timeline and no story, consciousness is simply being, experiencing.

Each time we resist (from a place of seeking perfection for personal advantage) we will also suffer the pain of separation, which comes along with it. While when we embrace, integrate and come into alignment, when we let go of the polarised attitudes of right and wrong, the freedom to be what’s called our natural self opens in every moment. You’ll still be able to say NO, in order to serve a deeper Yes or to set a boundary. In fact, you’ll find yourself more able to discern wisely.
Without resistance we’re able to design our very individual travels on the path, but the effort that held us weighted to the ground lifts – and you finally spread your wings and fly, independent of circumstance. Free like a bird. Obliged to follow the universal laws, like gravity, but free to be one with it all. In accordance with all, freedom is finally possible emerging out of the unknown.


24 Feb (r dc)
The shockpoint energy of this day sounds promising: having the power to fulfill your wishes. We sure all want that, don’t we. It is possible simply by moving in accordance with the whole, moving with life the way it moves you. What’s in the way is the same mechanism described above: resisting what is and wanting something that isn’t. Now, if that sounds too esoteric and you argue: “who can want the world as it is right now?”; let yourself know – only for experiment’s sake – it is possible just for once, for this moment, to go deeper than personal preferences and liking.
You’re not supposed to ‘like’ (whatever is going on or not), you’re supposed to see it all, to embrace it as “THIS ALSO IS PART OF BEING”, to embrace it as part of life. When we’re busy wanting differently, we’re separate – from each other, from life and God, and also from the fulfillment when it actually comes our way. Resisting for the want of other circumstances, of something different, makes us overlook what’s closest and in front of our nose.
That wish fulfilling power works – when it is aligned to this totality of possibilities called life.

25 Feb (c em)
On this day the universal background frequencies vibrate a little extra energy for wonderful ideas about how relating and relationship should be. Some of us can really elaborate on this in charming conversations over a cup of tea. And while that might be fun for some time, the real, deep wish to be connected and for meeting closely easily gets clad in an amour of intellectual brilliance and relevance with words. And we miss that, which makes relating work: the heart. For a natural heart connection we need to be vulnerable, which we often resist for fear of having our so called self-image altered by merging too deeply with one another, or of giving up the hierarchies of the working world for equality. This one needs a shift from the head to the heart, then the brilliance and understanding of relating will serve love and compassion.

29 Feb (v mi)
Today the shockpoint energy may come along with a sad feeling about no-one listening to you and not being able to find out why. This may tell you that you protect too much of yourself from the people you’d like to be your friends, but friends only on your terms. That is when we want them to see us in a certain light and always show only one aspect of ourselves. When you find that you choose your company by pre-sorting their opinions to match with yours, you’ve lost the adventurous spirit of spontaneous meetings, surprises and opportunities to widen your mind and heart by engaging in authentic encounters. Maybe you’re trying too hard to be seen and loved for what you do rather than for who you are. In this way, we lose the light that makes us shine and illuminates our uniqueness, which is always loveable exactly the way it is.
What is needed is a little straightening in the spine, maybe a slight turn from the well-trodden path of beliefs about yourself towards an openness to become friends. The meeting we seek is not from the mind, it’s from the heart, and that has room for different opinions or life styles.

1 March (r un)
RRResistance, whether conscious or unconscious, eventually leads to a strange kind of competition in the subconscious over what is my main problem, my biggest problem. It’s as though the problems are beginning to fight for centre stage attention in a spotlight run by your frustration. This happens when focus, direction and orientation are lost and the list of complaints about what is missing or wrong is longer than the out breath while you talk about it. … rrrrrrrr…
This utterly unsatisfying and rather confusing state comes into being out of a sense of protecting one’s personal freedom by keeping away from anything which looks remotely like dependency. The fear of being “dependent” keeps us away from engaging in things that need focus or commitment, which are mistaken as being the enemies of personal freedom. The funny thing is that these are the very qualities we need to get us out of this strange mess. Giving it a try is the suggestion here, by no means believe anything. Try it out and see.

5 – 7 March The Blessing Days
Personal freedom to be exactly as you are opens us up to seeing that we are also all interdependent. How blissful to realise this interconnectedness and still to be individually free.
The organ resonating with the current cycle is the gallbladder

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