21 April-5 May: Friendship-Love

Mood of the Moment – Frequency: Stomach – by Adima HawkesGo to the INTRO PAGE for an Index DEUTSCHE ÜBERSETZUNG siehe unter dem Englischen Artikel Welcome Dear Friend. These flowers are for you. Whether we have met or shared each other’s story or not, we’re connected in love, this very moment. With each Continue Reading

21 Jan – 4 Feb: The Power and Grace of Alignment

Mood of the Moment – Frequency: Colon – by Adima HawkesFind an INDEX on the INTRO PAGEDEUTSCHE ÜBERSETZUNG siehe unter dem Englischen Artikel During the next 15 days the universal background frequencies support us with power of alignment or discovering what we need to learn about it. The learning is based in listening Continue Reading

6 – 20 Jan 24: Unconditional Love

Mood of the Moment – Frequency: Small Intestine – by Adima HawkesFind an INDEX on the INTRO PAGEDEUTSCHE ÜBERSETZUNG siehe unter dem Englischen Artikel This cycle is about Unconditional Divine Love. I like to call it “The true meaning of Pink” as pink is its colour expression. Whenever I hear the words “unconditional Continue Reading

22 Dec – 5 Jan: Imagination, Abundance, Support

Mood of the Moment – Frequency: Spleen  –  by Adima HawkesFind an INDEX on the INTRO PAGEDEUTSCHE ÜBERSETZUNG siehe unter dem Englischen Artikel Welcome to the winter solstice, the return of the lightImagine … John Lennon singing:“Imagine there’s no heavenIt’s easy if you tryNo hell below usAbove us only sky … Continue Reading

7 – 21 Dec: Igniting the inbuilt Light

Mood of the Moment – Frequency: Testes/Ovaries – by Adima HawkesFind an INDEX on the INTRO PAGE We are creatures of light. This is literally true. We are made of it. A new human is conceived when a sperm succeeds in reaching its destination, wins the race and merges with an egg. In Continue Reading

7 – 22 Nov: Trust

Mood of the Moment – Frequency: Spinal Base – by Adima HawkesFind an INDEX on the INTRO PAGE What do this cute cat, a genius, a rose flower and the Rocky Horror Picture Show have in common? They all vibrate the same frequency in our nervous system! And much more. One of the Continue Reading

7. – 22. Oct: Deep Relaxation

Mood of the Moment – Frequency: Bladder – by Adima HawkesFind an INDEX on the INTRO PAGEDEUTSCHE ÜBERSETZUNG siehe unter dem Englischen Artikel Deep relaxation is possible. Finally. And in this; living a life filled with joy for no reason. It starts within. It starts by seeing and recognising the causes of stress Continue Reading