7 – 21 July: Living Love

Go to the INTRO PAGE for an Index DEUTSCHE ÜBERSETZUNG siehe unter dem Englischen Artikel Namaste with a bow to Mother Earth and all her creatures, including the impossible and crazy human ones. While “waiting for the words to come” … they seem to wither away, in the space of presence, here.This cycle Continue Reading

21 April-5 May: Friendship-Love

Go to the INTRO PAGE for an Index DEUTSCHE ÜBERSETZUNG siehe unter dem Englischen Artikel Welcome Dear Friend. These flowers are for you. Whether we have met or shared each other’s story or not, we’re connected in love, this very moment. With each other and all else. This is much more Continue Reading

6 – 20 Jan 24: Unconditional Love

If this is your first read here, go to the INTRO PAGE of this Category and find a few words explained This cycle is about Unconditional Divine Love. I like to call it “The true meaning of Pink” as pink is its colour expression. Whenever I hear the words “unconditional divine love”, I feel Continue Reading