7 – 21 July: Living Love

Go to the INTRO PAGE for an Index DEUTSCHE ÜBERSETZUNG siehe unter dem Englischen Artikel Namaste with a bow to Mother Earth and all her creatures, including the impossible and crazy human ones. While “waiting for the words to come” … they seem to wither away, in the space of presence, here.This cycle Continue Reading

7 – 21 March: Stability in a Changing World

If this is your first MOOD Of the MOMENT Read, please go to the GENERAL PAGE of this Category and find certain expressions explained Overcoming Self-Pity, (self created) Depression and Guilt In this Cycle is the time to listen to the wind … to slow down inside and listen to the response of Continue Reading

6 – 20 Jan 24: Unconditional Love

If this is your first read here, go to the INTRO PAGE of this Category and find a few words explained This cycle is about Unconditional Divine Love. I like to call it “The true meaning of Pink” as pink is its colour expression. Whenever I hear the words “unconditional divine love”, I feel Continue Reading